Click image to watch animatic.

An animatic is an extremely rough profile of a certain story you will be telling/animating in the future. It is a series of quickly drawn out scenes to show the basic story line of of your animation. Animatics are often used so that the author does not fall off pace with the story throughout their animating sequence. I found that I would actually continue to make my story as I went through drawing each of my scenes, therefore I believe this is an advantageous part of creating an animatic. All animators and story writers use this process as it gives others a brief understanding of your story as well, and thus creating a faster revise process.



Click image to see graphic novel.

I began by making my animation as if it were a comic, which when you think about it, is the same thing as an animatic. You’ll never see a comic use 20 different scenes to show a man running, therefore it’s the same thing as an animatic; it gives a basic understanding of the story. I would quickly draw out each of my scenes, spending no more than seconds to 2 minutes on each one, until I had the whole storyboard drawn out. During this process as I said earlier, I also created my story as I went along sketching out my different panels. It was a very helpful process!