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Once we had written and animated most of our story, we were asked to draw a picture using Adobe Illustrator in order to convey the main idea of the story into one image. This is very similair to the portrait, however it's created using only the computer. Also, you can express a lot more of the story than you can with a portrait because you can add in scenary that would never occur in real life. Once we got the main idea down, we were asked to add in scenery that would most likely fit the scenario that our main character was in. For example, my charcter was found in the middle of no where, so I put him in a rather open terrain with a river because he just came out of the forest.

In my illustration, I was able to incorporate the summary of the story by putting the main character on one side as if he was in love, and having the girl stand on the other side as an eccedentesiast with her evil slowly trailing behind her. The horizon was supposed to show how the bond was so perfect and how everything seemed so flawless during that moment of time. I used the gradient tool to show how the sun was going down creating a relatively romantic scenary and reflexion on the ground. For the river, I added in a different stroke to allow the water to look like its running. By using a horizon line, I had the water trailing off into the distance by making the river smaller and smaller until it vanished. I also added a texture brush in order to make the river look as if it was flowing, and I used the grader tool to make the ground look like grains of sand, similair to a beach.

My favorite part about creating this picture was creating the horizon. I would always love the way the sunset looked on the beach of Hawaii, and I tried my hardest to imitate that onto this picture. I used an orange to blue gradient to show the reflection of the sun on the ground. I've noticed the sun is brighter on the bottom, so I also added a yellow to orange contrast that favored the lower portion of the sun. If you look closely, the ground will also appear to become darker as you progress away from the sun, including the light that hits the house. Feel free to look at the regular sized image by clicking on the picture above!