
My Documentary

For the Documentary project, we were told to make an article piece on a person and how they have impacted the world around them. Specifically, what made them “Documentary Worthy”. Right away the first person that popped into my head when Mr. Greco said that was a family friend of mine, Christy. Christy lives in Oregon, however I was able to record a high quality phone call between the two of us. The reason I believed Christy was documentary worthy was because she has Marfan Syndrome, which most people have never heard of, she uses social media to raise awareness for this illness and potentially save lives.

My Interviewees

Christy and Rahil Nath

Behind the Scenes

The whole animation took a couple weeks, as each scene consisted of many drawings compiled together to make it appear like it’s moving. As you can see I had numerous Adobe Animate files which I ended up having to convert to mp4 files to merge them together into one complete animation with audio in Premiere Pro.


Overall, I really enjoyed this project as it helped me get closer to my family friend Christy and it also improved my animation skills. It was only my second time using Adobe Animate and I am very satisfied with how it turned out and I look forward to using Adobe Animate in the future. I loved writing my article, I just kept imagining myself as a famous reporter writing a fancy article on a new topic that no one has heard of, I feel like that made me more excited to write it.