creative staged + depth of field

1/80 f5.6 ISO1600

For this prompt, we had to creatively stage a photo and use depth of field in the composition. I was pretty stuck at first since I had no idea what to do, but then I found my old My Little Pony figures, and decided to stage a photo with them!

I put Rainbow Dash facing the camera and in focus, with Apple Jack facing towards Rainbow and slightly blurry. I put them both in a little fairy garden outside, and I really like the sort of calm, nostalgic atmosphere it has for me.


1/80 f5.6 ISO12800

This week’s prompt was to take a photo showing the viewpoint of another person, and I thought my trip to the aquarium would be perfect to take a shot from the perspective of a scuba diver. I loved this photo I took of this fish swimming out from between the poles, it looks so grumpy but there was enough light cast on it and enough contrast for it to be visible in the low light.

color theory

This week’s prompt was to use color grading to take a photo that looks like a still from a movie. I recently visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium with two of my friends, and I took this photo then. I made it more vibrant as it was initially a bit washed out, and I adjusted the exposure and highlights/shadows too.

Photo of a Pier in Monterey Edited Photo of a Pier in Monterey

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low angles

1/160 f5.6 ISO100

This week’s prompt was to compose a photo using low angles! I took this photo of my friend at Mercy Bush Park over the weekend. I used the low angle to frame him with the sky and centered him so that he better stood out as the main subject. I also added light blue doodles in the sky around him to further frame him, but also just because they’re cute.

rule of thirds emotion

1/160 f5.6 ISO100

I wasn’t quite sure how to use the rule of thirds to show emotion, but I think I figured it out in the end. The warmth and lighting in this photo make it feel very calm and safe, and while the rule of thirds doesn’t create that, I think the way the person (my friend!) is facing towards the dark space accentuates it.

fill the frame

1/125 f5.6 ISO800

For this week, the prompt was to fill the frame with one color. I went to Maker Faire Mare Island last weekend (first bigger Maker Faire since the bay area one shut down!!) and it was so much fun! There were a lot of really cool abandoned-looking buildings that people were exhibiting in, old buildings where boats were built and things. There was a sign with some cool cracking paint, and I thought it made for a really cool texture even though there wasn’t a lot of color variation!

facial symmetry

1/100 f5.6 ISO6400

This week’s prompt was facial symmetry. We took a portrait and mirrored the face in Photoshop. This is a photo of my sibling, Sunday. It was really interesting how this looked since the lighting on his face was uneven. The left photo looked a lot more natural, while the right one looks super pale and a bit creepy (although, they both look a bit creepy).


1/80 f5.6 ISO400

This week the prompt was geometry! This is another photo I took for the photo blogs on my trip to Japan. I thought this building had super interesting geometry in its architecture. the windows have a lot of sharp edges and repeating lines, and the lanterns have a very distinct also repeating shape.

leading lines

1/50 f5.6 ISO400

This week’s prompt was leading lines, specifically in food photography. This prompt reminded me of the lines inside certain fruits and vegetables. I originally wanted to take a photo of the inside of a citrus fruit, but we didn’t have any, so I chose this cucumber instead. Some lines lead from the three corners forming a sort of triangle, and other lines lead towards the center. Overall, the circles and triangles encompassing each other lead the viewer’s eyes to the center. I think this photo could have been more interesting, but I still like it and it was cool to try out food photography since it’s not something I usually do.

rule of odds

a photo of a pole with three circular signs on it from behind against the sky.
1/50 f5.6 ISO640

This week’s prompt was rule of odds! I thought this sign post would be perfect since it had three signs on it, all the same shape but different sizes which made it a little more interesting. It’s very simple but has a lot of contrast, and vertically follows the pole. It looks a little like a snowman, which i like :] This one was quite simple but I had a lot of fun with it!