
For our Explorations Project, we got a chance to explore our own passions and improve upon a particular skill set that is considered a 21st Century Skill.

My Explorations Project

For my 21st century skill, I chose to learn about gesture drawing. I had seen a few colleges ask for gesture drawing in an application portfolio, so I wanted to find out exactly what it was that they were looking for. I did so by reading various texts related to gesture drawing as well as exploring a few YouTube channels dedicated to the topic.


During this project, we also had to produce an infographic about our topic. For my infographic, I chose to list and show examples of the four main parts of making a gesture drawing.

My Explorations Infographic
My Adobe Illustrator setup for creating my Infographic


After creating a short speech about our topic of choice, we had to record said speech along with a few slides in the background.

My recorded presentation.

My Gesture Drawings

A small set of gesture drawings created by me.

Experimental Music

As a side project, we had to produce a short piece of experimental music using either Pro Tools or Reason.

My Pro Tools setup when making my experimental music


I enjoyed this project because I felt like it really helped me develop my gesture drawing skills. I went into the project knowing basically nothing about gesture drawing, let alone how to make one, but this project gave me an opportunity to practice and improve my gesture drawing ability. The experimental music was also a fun side project. I have almost no musical background, but it was still fun to produce a song.