
We were tasked with taking a photo from the viewpoint of another person. I refused. Instead I opted to raise the bar and take a photo from the viewpoint of a cat. Any one of my cats. Here’s the view that Garfield, Loki, Sierra, and a select number of miraculously surviving rats, birds, and lizards get to see as they enter the house.

Film Noir

Is this film noir? I dunno. Not so much. I’m sure I don’t need to explain what film noir is, since I think everyone has a pretty good idea of it. I now realize that photo of Garfield that I used for color theory would have been a far better selection here, but I suppose it’s too late to turn back now. Here’s a bad photo, but I hope you enjoy it.


Ah, yes, work. I certainly know work. Working on the Narrative 2 project was a nightmare, so, yeah. This is a mess of a photo from between shoots. The disorganization of this environment only fueled my insanity, and surprisingly, my ability to work. Somehow. No idea. And I don’t want to see this photo ever again.

Color Theory

We were tasked with color grading an image to make it look like a still from a movie. Here’s Garfield, yet again, hanging out. Except this time he’s color graded to look like he’s from a movie. It looks more like it’s from a movie than the original, except now it looks like it’s from Ghostbusters (2016), so in the wise words of a crazy old man, “I may have gone too far in a few places.” The glow effect was cranked up too high and now Garfield’s nose do’t look so good.

Anyway, here’s the original photo for comparison. I think it looks better, personally, and it makes me less sleepy to look at.

Modern Convenience

The prompt was to take a photo surrounding a modern inconvenience we could not live without. I do not own this, but I took a photo of the Tesla Model S that was parked at my grandparents house. While I’m just referring to cars in general, I think we can all agree that this right here is probably something most people can’t live without.

The Elements

Again, I’ll refresh your memory. I love storms. This is following the first wave of downpour in a storm and before a wave of rain that dropped over an inch and even spawned a freak lightning bolt in the Los Altos Hills. It was the night that the west coast was hit by a “bomb cyclone.”

I mostly liked this image because it had a creepy foreboding aura to it that I only really see on the east coast. That creepy brightness shortly before the intense center of the storm hits, with a weird slight tint of reddish-orange. The soaked grass, dirt, leaves, and shining street. It’s beautiful.

Rule of Odds

See, I told you I had more than just the one cat.

This is Sierra. A tiny torbie cat, four and a half years old, and increasingly touched in the head.

The “rule of odds” is a sort of composition that groups objects in threes, in a way, to appear more aesthetically pleasing to the eye. In this photo, specifically, Sierra is placed (on the rule of thirds, might I add) between the window/wall in the background and the white blanket in the foreground. This diagonally oriented frame is satisfying to the eye. At least, arguably. If you don’t like it, then whatever. That’s your problem.


Have I ever mentioned how much I love rain and clouds? Aside from my obnoxiously pretentious perspective video, I mean. Well, I do.

I was putting up the Christmas decorations and was intermittently interrupted by little downpours of rain. A scattered sky full of both dark and light gray clouds, with a foreboding cloud in the distance and a soaking wet ground in the foreground is a perfect way to start the month.


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, here’s what I’m thankful for. In a year in which I very rarely wake up in a good mood, here is one thing that I can’t help but smile when I wake up to see.

I swear, I have more than just this one cat. I will have to make sure the rest of them get equal representation from here on out.

And don’t you rag on me for my room being so undecorated and bland. I know, I know. There was a wasp nest in the attic and they had to carve into my ceiling and let the wasps die all over the floor, and then fix it up, at which point we decided to repaint the walls. And I’ve been too busy to truly settle back in yet. I’ll get to it.

Rule of Thirds Emotion

I think this was actually scrapped alternative cover art for Change by The Dismemberment Plan.

This photo shows emotion through the rule of thirds by placing the pedestrian sign more or less on the gridline, with Travis Morrison (or Michael Smith) offset to the side. It makes you feel kind of uncomfortable, as if Travis/Michael isn’t actually the main subject, and is instead trying to fit in with the main subject by imitating it.

There are two possible futures: one in which this photo is used for a repress of Change, and one where this photo becomes album art for my own album of songs that will be bigger and better-er.