06 | Weight & Mass

Even sunflowers can’t bare the brightness all the time.
Shot on Canon EOS Rebel T6i @ 1/640 sec; f/5; ISO 100; 43.00 mm

“Heavy as a stone, light as a feather. Find inspiration and shoot an amazing photograph.”
I recently took this photo while at a pumpkin patch with my family. While heading over to the corn maze, I noticed a tall, solitary bunch of sunflowers that almost seemed “scorched,” drooping and sagging despite still towering over my head.

I just love how many layers of irony this photo has. The sunflowers, flowers that very literally face the sun for the entire 16 hours that it’s in the sky, droop down or face away from it. They also, as flowers, very literally derive their energy from the sun, yet they look scorched and dry. Even further, they look heavy and dead, drooping down, and yet their branches hold them upright, like a sense of “forced weightlessness.”

I think weight is a difficult topic to capture in photography, without any preconceived notions of whether the depicted objects are heavy or not. Yet, I think, emotional and metaphorical weight can add so much nuance to an image.