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This week’s photo challenge was to take a photo in someone else’s viewpoint. For my photo, I took it from the perspective of my dog. I took the photo from low to the ground and then added a red/green colorblindness effect in Photoshop.

Film Noir

For this week’s photo challenge, we had to show a photo that was film noir. I wanted to show one of the main interests of film noir, which is lighting. For this photo I wanted to take something that you might see in a film noir.


For this weeks photo challenge, the prompt was to find inspiration in work. Because we are getting close to exhibition, I chose to take a photo of someone typing on their computer. I edited this photo in Photoshop to make it black and white so that the colors in the background would be less distracting.

Color Theory

For this week, we were challenged to use our knowledge of color theory in order to take a shot that appears to be cinematic. Because I am filming my Narrative film right now, I chose to take a photo while we were filming. I edited this in Photoshop by brightening the green of the pole and the yellow of the clothes from inside the laundry machine.

Modern Convenience

The image shows an advertisement that I made for AirPods.

For this week’s photo challenge, we were tasked to create an image that looked like an advertisement for a modern convenience. I chose to do AirPods, because I use them a lot, often to help me focus and drown out background noise. I had a lot of fun making this project, and I am really happy with the result because of the fonts and logos that I added.

The Elements

A photo of a metal bar in my backyard after it rained

For this week’s photo challenge, we had to take an inspirational photo of en element in our world. For this photo challenge I chose my favorite element, water. I like this photo because visually, water droplets are really interesting, and the rain kind of represents new beginnings.

Rule of Odds

A photo of a cathedral in Helsinki, Finland

For this weeks photo challenge, I picked this photo from when I was in Helsinki on the Freestyle trip to show the Rule of Odds. Rule of odds is when two things that are the same frame something else that is the same or very similar. I think that this photo perfectly represents that because there is the symmetry of the two sides of the building, and the tower in the middle stands out because it isn’t perfectly symmetrical.


A photo of trees on the Berry Creek Falls Loop trail

For this weeks photo, we were challenged to find our inspiration in the changing seasons. For my photo I took this picture while I was on an 11-mile hike with my mom. I thought that this photo perfectly represented the changing of the seasons in Northern California, or the lack of the change. Only in Northern California would it be beautiful and sunny in November.


My friends and I taking a picture before going to a banquet

For this week’s photo, we were challenged to take a photo of who we are grateful for. I am super grateful for all of my friends that I have made in high school. They are practically my family, and I love having a group where I can be myself without fear of judgement.

Rule of Thirds Emotion

My cousin, excited to play with the silver clouds at an exhibit at the MoMA

For this weekly photo challenge, we were assigned to use the rule of the thirds to express emotion. For this, I took a photo of my cousin when we were at the MoMA, she was super excited to be able to interact with exhibits at the museum. She is on the bottom left third of the image while the silver cloud is on the top right third of the image.