Photo Blog: Gift Stories

This is a picture of a recode player. The needle is in focus with the vinyl taking up most of the image but it is out of focus

This record player has been in my family for many years. It was originally a gifted to my parents for Christmas in 2010 and they had never used it or opened it. This Holiday season I was going through the attic and found an only box of their records and asked my mom if we had a record player by any chance. She pointed at the record player you see in the image and told be that she had never gotten the chance to use it. I decided that I was going to set it up so we could hear some of the music that my parents had listened to. Though my brother and I knew what a record player was we had never used one, so my parents had a good laugh watching me trying to figure out how to set it up. Finally I got it to work and my brother and I laughed at my parents taste in music.

Setting for this image: ISO: 1600 Aperture: 4 Shutter speed: 1/30