
The Zenith project is a culmination of the skills we have acquired over our years at Freestyle. Presented to us by Mr Taylor as the “Ultimate Freestyle Project” we were all excited to get started and use what we’ve learned from all our classes for this project. As film students we were able to create anything we wanted as long as we filmed something. I chose to make a mockumentary about freestyle, I thought it would be a fun way to reflect on my past freestyle experiences.
Because of the limited amount of time, I realized that I was going to have to be very careful with how I spent it. In Digitial Media I created a cinimatic title sequence in After Effects that I am really proud of.
This project has given me a greater appreciation for comedic sketches and films, I learned a lot through trial and error with regards to comedic timing and making my peace with the fact that not all of the jokes I had scripted were going to make it into the final cut.

My Zenith


On May 13th 2024 I had to present my Zenith to all of the AM freestyle students. Here is that presentation:

Zenith Celebration

Finally, after everything we had a recorded reflection of our process and what we took out of the project.