Narrative Visual Perspective in Digital Media

Surreal Compostition

We used Adobe Photoshop to create surreal images. My image was inspired by how I feel when I play my guitar.

A Vacuum of Sound

Before creating our final surreal composition we did some funny compositions to practice:

Multi-Layer Art Project

This was probably my favorite Digital Media project ever. We had to make an artwork that related to our Worldbuilding project in English. The first step was to create a rough design of our art project.

At first I was planning on making a light box. So in my first draft I put as much detail as possible into the art. But when I switched over to the stacked wood art option I had much more room to work with. The biggest question was how I wanted to position my artwork.

Stacked wood art Sketches

Illustrator image

crop add captions later

build video

+ affter effects build vid

and artist statment