Photo Blog: Future

For this photo, I used a Dundee figurine with 2 different light sources, one warm one on the right and a cold one on the left. The figure is facing away from the camera as if it is about to take a step forward and farther away from the camera. ISO: 1250, Aperture: 1.8, Shutter …

Photo Blog: Self Portrait

I’m silly, I’m goofy, I love to make people laugh and I am happy to say that this has stayed true throughout my high school years. I am excited about the future even if I don’t know what is ahead I am ready to meet it with a smile. ISO: 1000, Aperture: 2, Shutter Speed: …

Photo Blog: Food

I went to take pictures of an event, the food they were serving was beautifully presented and I had to take pictures of them before the were all gone! ISO: 200, Aperture: 2.8, Shutter Speed: 1/80

Photo Blog: Using Props

I held a globe in my hand and took this cool picture. I made sure to make my F-stop very low to get a blurry background. ISO: 1000, Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/165

Photo Blog: Modern Convenience

I love food so much but I hate cooking. I don’t know what I would do without all these delicious culinary options at my disposal. ISO: 2500, Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/665

Photo Blog: Current Events

I took pictures for a non-profit’s gala with my friend. This was before the gala started when people were preparing the food. ISO: 2000, Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/1600

Photo Blog: Deadly Sins

The deadly sin I chose to do was greed. There was a beautiful sports car on display and the owner was nice enough to let me take pictures of their car. I changed the color balance to make the photo appear more orange in order to accentuate the colors of the car. ISO: 1600, Aperture: …

Photo Blog: Musical

In the recording studio, I had my brother play a song. While he was practicing, I took pictures of him playing and getting ready for the recording. In Photoshop I singled him out and added effects that increased his brightness and added some definition as well as changing the color balances but the background stayed …