Photo Blog: New Beginnings

Every day are given a new chance. Every day can be different but it is up to us to seize the day and make it our own. ISO 200, Aperture 3.5, Shutter speed: 1/32

Photo Blog: Gift Stories

This record player has been in my family for many years. It was originally a gifted to my parents for Christmas in 2010 and they had never used it or opened it. This Holiday season I was going through the attic and found an only box of their records and asked my mom if we …

Photo Blog: Love Story

Everyday no matter how late I get home, I know that Kobi will be waiting for me. After I get home from a long day he is always there for me, no matter what. When I enter my room he picks his head up and wags his tail waiting for me to put my bags …

Photo Blog: Warmth

Taking walks during the fall is one of the most beautiful things to do in California. I love taking my dog on walks as we explore and watch nature as it transitions from its beautiful green summer colors to the fall colors we all know and love. In this image we see that the tips …