Photo Blog: Anonymous

In the image there is a kid with 3 post-its on his face. 2 on top of his eyes with eyes drawn on them, and finally one on top of his mouth with the word hello written on it.

I covered my subjects face obscuring their most recognizable features. The purpose of remaining anonymous is so that people focus on what you want to say to the world rather than the person saying it. In this image the view immediately understands the message the person is trying to deliver to the world. But what the view doesn’t know is who is saying it, is it a child, a girl, a boy? Does it really matter who is delivering the message as long as it reaches its intended audience?

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/330, Aperture: 10
In this image I made sure to boost the saturation of my subject, since there is no real “face” to look at, I need the image to attract viewers in other ways.