Photo Blog: Weight or Mass

On right side of the screen there is a bee, golden in the sunlight's light. It is resting on a lavender flower. The bee and flower are in focus and the background is very blurry.
Busy worker

I chose to take a picture of bees in my garden. They were resting on some flowers and even though they were flying around and landing gracefully on each petal, whenever they would move to the next plant the flowers would sway as if a weight had been lifted.

For this image I adjusted the overlay layer on the photo in photoshop. I made the bee lighter so it would give off a golden glow in the sunlight. When taking the photo I made sure that the camera was solely focused on the bee and the flower.

When taking the picture my ISO was 200, my shutter speed was 1/395, and my aperture was 7.1.