Center Frame Portrait

January 14, 2024 Off By weiyic

1/500 sec; f/4.5; ISO 160

In the heart of a dense thicket, a serene corner conceals the poetic beauty of withered leaves. These dried leaves, akin to memories of time, unfold their past grandeur amid the lush foliage. When the wind gently rustles through, they sway gracefully, shimmering like golden flakes, casting an autumnal depth and elegance upon the forest.

This is not the end of decay but a symphony of nature. The withered leaves, in their silence, narrate the cycle of seasons, the nuances of passing years. Though no longer in vibrant bloom, they exude a profound charm in their quiet dance, bidding farewell to time with the softest murmur.

Embraced by the thicket, the withered leaves become a unique verse within the forest, articulating the poetry of life’s cyclical nature. Their presence is a subtle response to the fleeting passage of time and a steadfast expectation for the future. In the center of the lush thicket, the withered leaves stand as a testament to nature’s bestowed tranquility and the profound essence of life.