Narrative 1


In this comprehensive project, I’ve immersed myself in an array of creative disciplines. I began with English, where I delved into essential fiction writing techniques, focusing on the power of visual storytelling and the importance of “showing” rather than “telling” to create a more immersive narrative experience. I’ve continued to refine my descriptive skills, using poetic thinking to enhance my work with rich imagery and deeper figurative meaning.

My journey then led me to graphic design, where I mastered Illustrator to craft intricate vector graphics. In the realm of music, I embraced the challenge of audio editing with Audition, skillfully assembling a mashup and producing a parody song. I wrote and recorded my own lyrics, blending them seamlessly with an original track to create something uniquely mine.

I also expanded my skill set into web development, applying HTML and CSS to my WordPress website, which allowed me to present my narrative project with customized flair and precision. Lastly, I explored the physical aspects of creation, experimenting with die cutting and laser techniques to transform my digital designs into tangible art.

Each step of this project has not only sharpened my technical skills but also allowed me to express my creativity in diverse ways, narrating a story of personal growth and inventive exploration.
