
The Suzuki family

Explain how your family determines or answers the question "Who am I?"

My parents during Christmas Eve

Even though my parents and I have a typical teenager to parents relationship, they are the ones I can count on when I need help. My mom and I have polar opposite personalities but she is someone I can rely on and I know she would be there for me. My mom is definitely a character and when most of my friends meet her, they always say “ your mom is so cute and funny!” My mom is a very hardworking and intelligent person who would do anything to help me. My dad, unlike my mom is a very quiet person. Even though we don't see each other that much, I know that he is a very nice and calm person who is hardworking in his own way. Without even trying, he can be very funny and he is a good person.





My Sister in Japan

My sister Aya is one of the best person I know. She is a sister that I am very proud of and I am glad that I have her as a sibling. She is one of the most hardworking and determined person I have ever met. Right now, she is in her freshman year of college and I am very proud that she got into her dream college that she worked so hard for. Not only is she very smart but she is also very nice and patient. She would always help me and others out without any complaints. She is the one person who knows and understands me the most and I can be the most like myself around her. When we are together our laughs are endless and I admire her a lot.