
Things I've Learned So Far in My Life

Explain the assignment in English and how we enhanced the assignment in WebAudio by creating a podcast. Explain how this relates to "Who am I?"

  1. Failure is not always embarrassing. As long as you accept and laugh at it, you can make it into a funny story.
  2. Everything we do is driven from curiosity. We can't help but stare.
  3. In order to avoid being stared at, stare back at them because they will definitely look away.
  4. Jealousy is a very scary thing.
  5. People always tend to forget the nice things you do for them.
  6. Sometimes the invasion of personal space is exactly what we need.
  7. Life is too messy. Organizing it would be hard.
  8. There is no debate, Books are always better.
  9. The scenarios that you created in you head will never go according to plan, but that doesn't mean you stop imagining them.
  10. The older you get, the more painfully corny you become.

Reflect on the process of producing the podcast. Try to use the vocabulary of the application such as keyframe, cutting audio, automating volumes, sync audio to stream or start and stop, importing to flash library, etc.

English Media Piece

Explain the assignment in English and how it's related to the podcast above. Also explain how it is related to the question "who am I?"