


Dominick Montelaro © 2010. All Rights Reserved


Self Portrait Illustration





With the Flow


For the self portrait illustration assignment we were supposed to chose

one aspect of who we are that is both a good and bad personality trait.

We were supposed to take this idea and symbolize it with a drawing

created in Illustrator.


I chose that I am easy going. No matter what situation I am in, I can find

humor, and have fun. While this makes me easy to be around and a good

friend, I do not get work done when I need to. I frequently am

preoccupied with friends that I justify not doing work.


For my illustration I show my self on river, beneath a waterfall "going with

the flow". I am relaxed with out a care in the world. However, stuff I

should be doing is falling off the waterfall catching up with me.


The bottom of the page is left white because how this will eventually

effect me is unknown. It might help because I can easily make friends

but it might hurt because things will catch up with me.