


Dominick Montelaro © 2010. All Rights Reserved


10 Things I've Learned So Far




In English we created a list of ten things we believe in, that we have learned in our life so far. We took these list and closely examined. Once we finalized it we took the list into Web/Audio. There we used Garageband to create an enhanced podcast with pictures, music and our list of things we have learned.


I used a soft guitar rift to make it sound sincere and from real experiences with a steady beat underneath.


10 Things I've Learned So Far


1. Hard work is the key to success

2. Be honest

3. Be open to new ideas

4. Don't let people tell you what you can and cannot do

5. Do your best in everything you do

6. Believe in yourself

7. Get better every day

8. You're never too good to stop improving

9. Follow your passion

10. Don't worry, be happy