



My Family




Here's My Dad.


My dad is like the friendly class clown of our family, he never fails to make a complete fool out of himself as long as it will provide someone with a good laugh. He will do anything in his power to help you out, and I do mean anything, so when asking him for something, one must be very careful. I love him, our crazy conversations, and all the crazy Youtube videos he fills my inbox with when he's bored; without him, life would be dull.


Here's My Mom.



Also known as the C.E.O. of our household, is in charge of everything, and never fails in making everything perfect. I love her more than the world, especially when she has one of her spontaneous laugh attacks, or when we have one of our attempted fitness sections. She'll never let you down, but she'll always make sure you learn your lesson :).














Here's My Sister!



Also known as my "twin" in public, goes to UCSB and has left me stranded with my own room during the school year. With her I have the craziest discussions, and nothing seems like a strange topic. She has her very distinct pet peeves, but is one of the people I can relate to the most. I love her like the air that I breathe, even though she can't stand the fact that I look like her (to strangers).






Here's Lily!



Our little dinosaur, as we call her, but also known as a parakeet, is a little yellow bird living in our dining room. She loves stating her opinion, especially in our musical selections, when if she likes a song she will sing along, and if she doesn't she will make really loud screeching noises until we turn it off. She's easily frightened, but when you get to know her, or provide her with carrots, she will be the sweetest little puff of feathers the world has ever seen.





2010 Copyright ©Kateryna Fomenko. All Rights Reserved.