



10 Things I Learned So Far


The ten things I learned so far was originally an English assignment given to us so that we could reflect and better understand our outlook on life based on the lessons we had already learned. Going from englsih to webaudio was surprisingly a very smooth transition where the only challenge was the creation the music behind the podcast and figuring out which microphones and photos were supposed to be used, but overall it was a nice transition!

To create this podcast we used Garageband, which has a vey convinient tools developed to make the creation of a podcast much easier. Overall my experience of creating the podcast was very pleasant; I learned many shortcutts in garageband and I was able to discover a very simple way to get my ideas out to the world in a very short amount of time.



My Lessons learned



Note: to play the podcast,

you must have Quicktime

If you do not have it, you can

Download it here

for free!

1. The idea of being stressed out, is way more stressful than the stress itself.

2. Movies are never as good as the books, and books are never as good as the real thing.

3. There are exceptions and loop holes to every rule.

4. No matter what anyone says, nobody wants to be alone.

5. Being indecisive is worse than making the wrong decision.

6. People who act like they know the most, are usually the ones who know the least.

7. The prettiest pictures, are usually of the ugliest things.

8. Pushing the limits, just gives you bigger limits to push.

9. Pretending is only satisfying up till the age of six.

10. Thunder and lightening make me happier than any sunny day could.


In my podcast about the things I have learned so far, I combined a variety of instruments, including the piano, cello, and a bass guitar, for the purpose of creating a soothing yet hinting piece of music. I felt like since this piece of music should in someways resemble my life, I chose not to use any loops, or special effects. This way, what you is heard, is somewhat simple in the sense of it’s creation, yet still very complex in the melody. Even though I was going for the simpler outlook on things, I still chose to include numerous instruments, because all ten of my statements, although not very complex, have multiple meanings. The pictures I included vary from the very sad picture of the girl sitting alone on her bed, to the very ironic photo of the jumbo shrimp representing a loop hole in the rules of life. By mixing such a variety of photos, ranging through all the spectrum's of emotion, the podcast resembles not only many outlooks on life, but also the variety in which each of my ten things were learned; sometimes lessons are learned in a humorous and funny way, while other times through mistakes and unpleasant situations.


Throughout this experience of learning how to create a podcast on garage band, I learned many things. First of all, I learned that sometimes a simpler melody is best. At first I began with at least ten different instruments mixed in different ways, but after deleting most of them, I began to realize that a calm and somewhat simpler melody was best for my podcast. Therefore, even though I may have had the opportunity to add more, it was more beneficial to restrain. In addition, I realized that podcasts are very difficult to make, and even though the tools are easy to use after learning how, it is still very difficult work to try to transfer the song you envision, into an actual garageband song.





2010 Copyright ©Kateryna Fomenko. All Rights Reserved.