
Who I Ought to Be


For this Illustration project we had to choose a type of writing we created in English class and illustrate a piece of artwork that reflected it. We had to use typography to fullfill the requirements for this assignment. Typography is the use of words in an artwork. If you click on the image below you will see th typography I added to my piece. If you look closely you will see what it says.


Artist Statement:


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This illustration is a representation of myself. I based it off my personal essay I wrote for English. It represents my passion for the musical arts. As you can see there are music notes being blasted onto a globe by a grizzly bear. What this illustration is showing is how I feel when I’m singing, an overwhelming feeling drowns my spirit and a new side of myself shows and is put out there for the world to feel and experience. The grizzly bear symbolizes the power I feel when I’m singing, powerful enough to move the world. The title Who I Ought to Be means exactly what it says, who I ought to be. Considering that person inside me that burst out when I’m singing truly is me, and so I should be that person everyday of my life, instead of a quiet, calm person. To be a loud, energetic, exciteful human being which is held and kept inside of me. I should show my true colors as should everyone else. What I did here is I added a gradient for the background of three different shades of blue to give the illustration a neutral base to where it feels I can move in any direction, showing the artwork is in a different world in itself, isolated like I’m in my own world, which is basically how it feels to really sing, for me. I chose blue for the background not only because it’s my favorite color, but because it shows great contrast between the bear and globe and words.

What I learned while making this Illustration is how to use typography. It was a little tricky for the bear. I had to put the bear on two different layers to get it to work and keep its bear figure. and then the globe, I had difficulty getting the continents to fill with the green color. so i had to keep redoing the globe which was frustrating but I eventually got it. I had to select the closed continent drawings and push what color I wanted. So those were the two issues I had and figured out.
