Photo Blog #28: Culture

A yard, seen from the inside of a traditional Japanese home.
A group of people walking into a temple courtyard, as it is raining.

For this photo assignment, the theme was culture. While the photos presented here are photos I took with my phone, I thought that it would be appropriate to use them – as they were both photos that I took in Japan over the past summer. The first photo I chose because it showcases what a yard looks like from the inside of a traditional Japanese house – and I thought it would be a recognizable display of Japanese culture that anyone might know. The second image I chose, because it was one I took while doing Hakamairi, or visiting (usually a family member’s) a grave. I didn’t take any photos of the grave itself out of respect, but I did take photos as we walked throughout the temple – and I thought that that was a good showcase of my culture. Ultimately I couldn’t choose between the two photos, which is why I decided to just post both.