Photo Blog #51: Food

f Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/30, ISO 104

I heavily debated between this photo, a photo of ramen, and also a photo of okonomiyaki, but eventually I decided upon this photo (despite the other two being my favorite foods), because I thought it would be fun to appreciate a type of food that I eat less often but also enjoy. Also, I thought that the meal itself looked gorgeous, which is why I snapped the photo in the first place.

Photo Blog #48: Current Events

f Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/4000, ISO 104

For this photo blog, I thought that a photo that has to do with the current rainy season would be a fun idea. I thought that the idea of walking through the rain would be fun, but I also thought it would be a cool idea to convey how sometimes people don’t like the rain – which is why the photo is taken behind the fence, acting a bit like a cage. I also think that the red puddle in the back of the photo looks very cool, which is part of why I chose it.

Photo Blog #45: Musical

f Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/15, ISO 113

For this photo blog, I thought that this photo would be a great choice – I love how the colors look in this photo, and how bright the screens are. Singing (or karaoke) is a big thing in Japan, and is a big part of the music culture, so I thought it would be a fun choice to focus on for this particular blog.

Photo Blog #42: Work

f Aperture: 1.8, Shutter Speed: 1/60, ISO 179

For this photo blog assignment, we were supposed to take a photo inspired by our work. I didn’t really feel comfortable taking a photo of my workplace, or customers, or any of my coworkers as a whole, so I thought it would maybe be a good idea to take a photo of one of the tasks that I would have to do while at work. The one I eventually decided on was the sorting of sensors – the sensors are placed on clothes so that an alarm goes off when a shoplifter tries to leave the store with them – and as cashiers, it’s our job to take them off of the clothes when they’re purchased. Later, it’s our job to sort the different parts of the sensors. While it can be a little nerve-wracking, due to the fact that there are a lot of needles, it can also be a bit soothing – it gives you something to do, while also acting as a break from having to interact with customers.

Photo Blog #33: Who Inspires You

A bunch of games that can be played on the Nintendo Switch. Danganronpa, Omori, Skyward Sword, Link's Awakening, Breath of the Wild, and Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity.
f Aperture: 1.8 Shutter Speed: 1/60 ISO: 143

Believe it or not, games, and the teams behind games, are what inspire me. In order to make a good game, I feel, one also has to write a good story with fun lore behind it. All of the games present in the photo above do that well, I feel. When I play these games, it often makes me think about how I myself want to create these kinds of stories, and share them.

Most of these titles are fantasy titles, (specifically the Legend of Zelda games) because fantasy is my favorite genre, and is also the genre that I want to write in in the future. Games are often my hyperfixations, and my inspirations, so that’s what I wanted to reflect with this assignment.

Photo Blog #30: Habits

A bunch of manga volumes. The manga near the camera is in focus, while the manga is the back is out of focus. The series in Noragami.
It Goes On

For this photo, the theme was habits – and the moment I heard that I knew I wanted to make my photo have something to do with my manga obsession. I have a habit of buying too much (not enough) manga – and then buy more and more shelves when my previous one runs out of space. I’m currently on shelf #4, and I’m hoping that I won’t have to get anymore before I go to college – my room doesn’t have enough space!!

For the photo, I considered taking it from multiple angles. I thought about taking it closer to the shelf, from the side, in order to make it look like the manga was stretching on forever – which is why the photo looks like it does.

I thought a photo of my entire shelves would better illustrate how this is a “habit,” though, so I took multiple photos from farther away. I ultimately decided on the photo above, but I do like the other photos I took, so I’ll add them here.

My four shelves. All of them are filled with manga.
More of an Addiction than a Habit, Really
The top layer of my biggest shelf. You can see my older Ocarina of Time volume. I still need to see if I can find one of the really old ones of volume two, because now-a-days they only sell them together as a set.
Even MORE Manga

Photo Blog #18: #No Filter

A photo of purple flowers - behind it you can see the green bush it's growing out of. Only one of the purple flowers is in focus while everything around it is blurred.

This was actually a photo I took back in January, when I was considering whether or not I wanted to try and go back and finish the December prompts (since I have yet to finish those, and will likely go back at some point in time to do so.) This was a photo that I took, but ultimately decided not to go with for the prompt of “Home Town”. My thought process then was that I’ve always lived somewhere where there are purple flowers, but I wasn’t sure if that was what I wanted to go with for my interpretation of the prompt. I did like how the photo looked, however, which is why I decided to repurpose it for this prompt of “No Filter.”

Photo Blog #15: Anonymous

A pair of shoes in the corner of a photo of afield of grass.
Left Behind

For the prompt “Anonymous” two things came to mind: a silhouette (that is commonly the profile picture of an anonymous account), or the concept of something being left behind. I thought shoes would work well, since shoes aren’t something people often bring with them/usually don’t choose to leave behind, and it would make someone think “who do these belong to?”

I took a number of different photos across the house (my mom has a lot of shoes), and ultimately I decided on this photo where I was standing in the yard and chucked off my own pair of shoes. I liked it better than all of the other photos I took.

Photo Blog #9: White Balance

Lighting Up The Dark

I waited until night to take this photo – hoping that the hanging lamps of my kitchen would help to create a.. if not mysterious, at the very least intriguing or interesting atmosphere. I’m not quite sure how I feel about this particular photo – there’s probably room for improvement – but I do like the emptiness of the photo – I was trying to make it seem like the lights have been left on for someone who isn’t there anymore, a little bit – and I don’t know if I achieved that, I hope I at least came a little close?

Photo Blog #6: Weight Or Mass

Owl or Flowers?

This assignment was one where we had to try and balance two different subjects in a photo, so that the viewer’s eyes wouldn’t be drawn to only one of the items. In order to attempt this, I took many photos of the different kinds of flowers around my yard, before finding my mother’s owl statue – and realized that it would work better as a second subject rather than just a different kind of flower – which resulted in this picture.