Photo Blog #40: New Years Light

f Aperture: 1.8, Shutterspeed: 1/30 ISO: 800

So, I didn’t properly read the requirements of the assignment – I didn’t realize that the photo was supposed to be something that represents the New Year, whoops?

For this assignment, I tried to take a high exposure photo during the night time – and it was as I was testing my camera in my mom’s car that I took this photo. I really like it a lot – in Japanese, the word we use to describe a green traffic light is “ao”, or “blue”. I’d never understood why it was that we called it blue, because it’s so obviously green – but when I took this photo, it made me think, Oh, so this is why – and after that I couldn’t help but get attached to this photo.

If I was going to take the photo again, this time fully complying with the assignment, I would probably try to take a photo of the moon. It’s the year of the rabbit, and in Japanese culture it’s said that there’s a rabbit making mochi on the moon, so it would fit better with the theme. Next time!!