Author: x



This is a photo of Chapman, the college I am going to. Even though I am not going to be in the Film School, I looked at it and it was so cool and it made me excited to go and be around film people 

Frame Within The Frame

Frame Within The Frame

For this photo, we were told to capture a Frame within a Frame. I liked how the frame of the window sill but also the window is a little popped out which gives another Frame illusion and I like the colors of the trees outside.

Self Portrait

Self Portrait

Aperture: 1.6, ISO: 500, Shutter Speed Value: 1/30

This is a photo that I really like. This weekend I was driving around with my best friend and I knew that I had to take this photo blog so I just told her to randomly take some candids and she snapped this photo when I was laughing. I think it represents my demeanor and just overall how I am.



I love food! I had this pizza in Oakland, my friend took me to her favorite shop where their flavors are the same every week and they only have one pizza per week. This week, it was corn, mozzarella lettuce, and lime and it was 

Using Props

Using Props

For this blog I used vaseline on my lens as a prop to make the photo have a blurry/dreamy effect. I felt like this kind of looks very nostalgic and like a flashback in a movie. I thought the vaseline added a very cool effect.

Modern Convenience

Modern Convenience

F1.6, ISO40, 1/120

My favorite modern conveniences are kitchens and everything inside them, refrigerators, sinks, toasters, and cabinets. I love storing and making food and having water in the security of my house. I love being able to walk a few steps to get food or water and be nourished. It is the most convenient convenience.

Current Events

Current Events

A recent current event is that many people are fearful that the government is going to run out of cash. I think this photo represents but also juxtaposes this event.

Creative Staged + Depth of Field

Creative Staged + Depth of Field

I really like this photo, it portrays my clothes and in the background, you can see my favorite art piece I like how the colors really pop, the pink and brown colors of my shirt against the blue walls and the red from the art. 

Deadly Sins

Deadly Sins

F1.6, ISO400, 1/60

I think society puts a lot of emphasis on beauty, too much. Our society creates unattainable images of beauty that cause a lot of pain for people who feel like they don’t fit that mold and I think that is a deadly sin. This is a photo of a make-up bag, many people feel like they need to wear make-up all the time to feel beautiful and fit in but the more people start to accept their natural beauty the sooner that our society can try and shake this deadly sin.



I love music. My dad plays the guitar and every night he takes out his bass and strums. Even though you would think it would be very loud and annoying the songs he plays are very relaxing and just blend in with all the other