Frame Within The Frame

Frame Within The Frame

For this photo, we were told to capture a Frame within a Frame. I liked how the frame of the window sill but also the window is a little popped out which gives another Frame illusion and I like the colors of the trees outside.

Using Props

Using Props

For this blog I used vaseline on my lens as a prop to make the photo have a blurry/dreamy effect. I felt like this kind of looks very nostalgic and like a flashback in a movie. I thought the vaseline added a very cool effect.

Creative Staged + Depth of Field

Creative Staged + Depth of Field

I really like this photo, it portrays my clothes and in the background, you can see my favorite art piece I like how the colors really pop, the pink and brown colors of my shirt against the blue walls and the red from the art. 



I think this photo shows a unique viewpoint. I took this when I was in New York and I think it shows the world from someone who is always looking up, like a child perhaps. I think a lot of people do things with their 

Color Theory

Color Theory

I took an initially drab photo of this candle and bowl of oranges. Everything was a little washed out but then used photoshop to color-correct it, which helped bring out the beautiful orange, yellow, red, and brown hues in this photo!

Rule of Odds

Rule of Odds

The rule of odds is a very cool form of photography. When looking up the definition of the rule of odds, I saw something that said because of the odd amount of subjects in the photo it makes for a less satisfying result, however, I 

Rule of Thirds Emotion

Rule of Thirds Emotion

I used the rule of thirds to express the emotion on my dad’s face. I think the rule of thirds also makes the subject look more isolating which was what I was going for.

Fill The Frame

Fill The Frame

I tried to make it so my sister filled most of the frame and I chose to do it against my garage so it wouldn’t draw that much attention to the background because it was a similar color to her shirt.

Facial Symmetry

Facial Symmetry

I decided for this assignment instead of buying into harsh and unrealistic beauty standards. I wanted to highlight the natural beauty of human faces. Focusing on Facial Symmetry is unhealthy, no one’s face is exactly symmetrical and I didn’t want to try and make it 



When I was looking around my house for this prompt our hammock immediately popped in my head. It is specifically made and tied so that it can hold a person/multiple people’s weight. It is tied in specific diamonds.