Author: x

Color without Color

Color without Color

This photo would normally be a very vibrant photo with so many pops of color coming from the flowers, fruit and just the kitchen in general but turning off the color makes you think more about the composition of the photo and the contents of 

Who Inspires You

Who Inspires You

Throughout my life, I have always been a reader. Authors really inspire me. Writing is so hard and I find it crazy how people can come up with such interesting stories and then go and publish them. It reminds me that I can do anything 

Fill The Frame

Fill The Frame

F7.1, ISO100, 1/512

I tried to make it so my sister filled most of the frame and I chose to do it against my garage so it wouldn’t draw that much attention to the background because it was a similar color to her shirt.

Friends and Family

Friends and Family

My sister is a very funny and crazy girl. I snapped this photo when she was lying on the ground pretending to be a dog and I think this photo captures her essence perfectly.

My Habits

My Habits

Almost every night I light this candle. I really like the smell of it and I equate it with the end of the day and winding down. It helps me de-stress.

Facial Symmetry

Facial Symmetry

f2.8, ISO160, 1/80

I decided for this assignment instead of buying into harsh and unrealistic beauty standards. I wanted to highlight the natural beauty of human faces. Focusing on Facial Symmetry is unhealthy, no one’s face is exactly symmetrical and I didn’t want to try and make it like that because I think it diminishes natural beauty.

My Culture

My Culture

I am Jewish. These are Shabbat candles. Shabbat is a holiday that happens every Friday after sundown and ends Saturday after sundown and celebrates the day of rest. Shabbat doesn’t happen very often in my house but whenever it does, we light these candles.



I took this prompt a more literally. This is where you exit my house and I really loved the way the colors came together with the browns and the yellows. I really just love this photo, I think it feels very warm and the shoes 



A photo of my hammock

When I was looking around my house for this prompt our hammock immediately popped in my head. It is specifically made and tied so that it can hold a person/multiple people’s weight. It is tied in specific diamonds.



When I thought of things that represent freedom to me I immediately thought of my car. I got my license in October 2021 and ever since I have been driving everywhere. The world has opened a lot more for me. I can drive to San