Author: x

Tell A Lie

Tell A Lie

Things are not always what they seem. People use editing all the time to change the way a photo looks and to make it look better. I think that when we edit photos we don’t think of it as a lie, but it kind of 

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

I really like how the eggs are lined up and all similar. They look perfect.



A picture of a candle

My mom and sister have an obsession with the show Schitt’s Creek. I have not seen it but they always tell me I act like Alexis on the show. Last year, they went to Santa Barbara and came back with this for me, i’ve had it in my room for about a year and I don’t know who this character is but it’s kind of like this stranger character is in my room looking over me. From what I understand about this type of candle, the person on the candle is usually Jesus and looking over you or some sort of blessing. So, I guess this is a spoof on that.



This photo brings me a lot of serenity because of the colors. I think the colors in this photo are very bright and I think that the fruit really pops but the colors that are surrounding the fruit are dull, like they should be. This 

Rule of Odds

Rule of Odds

I think this photo is the Rule of Odds because of the all the people and beach chairs on the right and the bigger palm trees and closer umbrellas on the left.



A picture of my puppy

This is a photo of my puppy a couple months ago. I love this photo because of all the colors in my room and I watching my puppy grow up has been such a special experience for me. I think aging is seen as a very sad thing and it definitely can be but sometimes it can be a very beautiful experience.



I went to Alabama this month on a Civil Rights trip. I took this photo on my own DSLR, its an older camera and I haven’t used it in a while. I love this photo because I think it captures the essence of the south.

Negative Space

Negative Space

My favorite thing to do is ski and this break I got the chance to go ski in Utah which I had never done before. I usually ski at a small resort so skiing in Park City was so awesome. I think the clouds in 



Photo of a lounge area at a Bat Mitzvah I was at.

I really liked this photo because of the colors and the cross between the vintage and boho furniture. This week’s prompt was shadows and I loved the way the sunset lamp cast a shadow on the plant, I thought it really added to ambiance of the party.



I think of Anonymous as like it could be anyone and it’s someone trying to blend in with everyone else. I think my room is pretty unique but if you were just shown this picture it could be any high school student’s room.