Leading Lines

Leading Lines

I really like how the eggs are lined up and all similar. They look perfect.

Rule of Odds

Rule of Odds

I think this photo is the Rule of Odds because of the all the people and beach chairs on the right and the bigger palm trees and closer umbrellas on the left.

Negative Space

Negative Space

My favorite thing to do is ski and this break I got the chance to go ski in Utah which I had never done before. I usually ski at a small resort so skiing in Park City was so awesome. I think the clouds in 

Center Frame Portrait

Center Frame Portrait

I wasn’t actually sure how to go about this blog post prompt but I think I have this owl in my center frame. Usually, I would go out into nature and find something there but I am in quarantine right now so I had to 



I think that this photo is pretty balanced. I like how it is chaotic, I feel like this is what I’m like and this photo shows how I am chaotic but I keep it a little bit balanced. It’s not super clean but not super 

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

For this assignment, we were supposed to take a photo with leading lines that alluded to infinity. I think that these books are leading lines and the photo hints that the books go for a long time outside of the frame and that is how 

Symmetry Landscape

Symmetry Landscape

I thought that this picture had a lot of great symmetrical aspects to it. Not only is the gate symmetrical the brick on the side is and so is the parts making the gate work and I just thought this whole picture came together very 

Rule of Thirds Motion

Rule of Thirds Motion

Here is a picture of my sister, you can see how in one third her arm is in focus and her arm in another third is out of focus