
Hi! My name is Annie Schwartz and I am a Senior at Freestyle Academy. I am so lucky to be in a program that gives us the resources and the ability to learn almost any digital medium we want. I have learned a lot and I have done a lot of projects that I have really enjoyed and a lot of projects that I haven’t but I have learned what I like which has been so cool. I love documentaries and profiling someone, I love analyzing films and doing research on the aesthetics of films and the jobs that come with that. In college, I definitely want to further my film education not so much with production but more with analyzing film and maybe working on some sets for fun. My documentary is something that I am very proud of and something that I would like to continue doing in the future. So without further ado, here is the information about my documentary:



I really liked looking over all the assignments that I have done at Freestyle, I have realized what a toolbox of skills that I have developed. But, ultimately looking over my Documentary project has made me realize how much I loved doing this project and how natural the process seemed to me. I really want to do more documentaries in the future and I hope I get the opportunity to do so.