
After the narrative unit we began the documentary unit, which like the narrative focused on storytelling however through the means of underlying facts. Oftentimes facts are told the way they wish to be told and the struggle of the documentary is to tell these facts as they are and with no bias. While telling this story the medium of the story must also keep one engaged in throughout the story. For my documentary I decided to focus on sport, in specific a coach of sport Shoggy Park. I first met Shoggy when I was seven and ever since then he has been like my personal Mr.Miyagi. When picking a subject within sport to focus on I chose to pick Shoggy because of his intriguing back story and his ideas on happiness within sport.

When portraying the documentary we had to use multiple different means. The first of which was a magazine article that we wrote in English and displayed in Digital Media. The second mean of communicating was in film through a documentary film which we filmed both prior to and during the pandemic.

Magazine Article

This was my English and Digital Media article


To practice our filming documentary skills my team and I filmed this short Mockumentary. This taught us the required technical skills for collecting audio and getting the correct film shots for the final documentary that we were going to make.