
The idea for this project came from our group’s obsession with bigfoot. At first we were going to make a regular documentary but we realized that there isn’t much freedom. So we decided to make it a mockumentary where we could go off script and have fun. This was something we were planning on doing even without this project.

Final Product


The idea for this project came from our group’s obsession with bigfoot. At first, we were going to make a regular documentary, but we realized that there isn’t much freedom. So we decided to make it a mockumentary where we could go off script and have fun. This was something we were planning on doing even without this project. 

For researching this project, we watched a lot of documentaries to see how they were filmed, especially the bigfoot encounter videos. We also listened to a lot of bigfoot stories that people have shared on “Sasquatch Chronicles”. The 4 of us listened to many hours of stories that we could mix up and use for our own bigfoot encounter that we would use.

The collaboration part of this project was very good as my group communicated very well but we faced lots of scheduling challenges. A couple of group members played sports, so we were on a very tight schedule. We scheduled our shooting so that everyone could be there. There was a lot of communication that had to be done between us.

The 21st C. skill I improved on the most was Technological Literacy because I have never used audio before and for this production, I was the Audio guy. So I learned a lot about audio and how it works. What i improved on the least was Self direction because my time management was poor.

Before this project I didn’t work very well when it came to working in groups. I think the collaboration aspect of this project will be very beneficial in my future. When it comes to working with others, I think that I will be very prepared now. I am excited to work with others now because of how well my group worked together during this project.

I accomplished every goal I had planned. I put more passion into this project than I put into anything ever. I learned so many new skills that could be and will be used in the future. This was definitely my most successful project that I helped create. I hope to make more of these projects as I find them very fun and interesting.

If i could do the project again, what I would do differently is being a bit more prepared for some of the shoot days. I would also want to use the gimbal for the shots, so they look nicer instead of the shaky handheld footage that we got. Lastly, I would change how long our shoot days were because sometimes I felt we were cutting it short.

Reflection Recording Album Art