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For the Multi-Layered Art Project was a assignment to make an art with wood that represents the World Building story we made in the first semester. We had options of Stack Wood, Wood Ring, and Light Box. I chose to make a stuck wood art because I felt like it had the biggest impression of “3D Art”. I created 2D layers on Adobe Illustrator, and each layer became small pieces. Then I stacked and glued each of them.

This is the first sketch I made. It looks like it has nothing to do with my story which is about political stuff, but each element has its own symbolism and representation. When everything combines, there is a big theme to it. The curtain on each side is a symbol for “the end of something”. Curtains are usually used to close the stage or to end the day. The swirls inside the circle at the top represent “rebirth” or “change”. The butterflies are the representation of “hope”, “freedom” and “love”. As you can see, there are hands at the bottom reaching for the swirls and butterflies, meaning this person is reaching for a change in the current world with discrimination, and hoping for freedom and love.

This is the 2D art and each element are drawn in a different layer and the picture on the bottom is the final product.

I honestly think that I did a pretty good job thinking about representation and symbolism. However, the hardest part was after we cut out each piece on a piece of wood. Since the antennas of butterflies were very weak, it was very difficult to take each of them out without breaking them. If I broke one of them I had to cut it out again because each butterfly is a stack of 3 different sized-layer and if I miss one there won’t be a completed pair.