Narrative 2

It’s time for round two with the narrative project. A new stories with a new set of tools to use. This time around we worked with ScriptBuddy, After Effects and a variety of other applications to bring our original story to life in different mediums. The theme of this site , as you may of noticed, follows the same style as my animation which hopefully you will watch, AND, as you will be able to note if you look at the url bar at the top, this site isn’t an HTML file this time around. It is a PHP website. So what does that mean? On the surface, not much changes, but behind the curtain, a lot does.

Creating websites in php is like baking a cake; there is a set recipe that makes sense and should be following when it comes to coding everything and chances are if you skipped or forgot a step everything is going to to not work. That being said, php is an incredibly powerful language that has a lot of possibilities for it. Being able to create custom pages based of a php assembled template and password protecting site properly is an indispensable ability to have as a web designer and, as long as you understand the logic that goes into the code and the building blocks that make everything function, everything will run smoothly. Probably.

So, as per usual, please navigate around with the buttons at the top of the page and check out some of the creations I’ve made in this unit. Also, should you feel inclined, send me a message about stuff with the contact page, also featuring PHP. Enjoy.

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