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aaaaIn Design we had to create a six photo, photo narrative. The only challenge we had with this assignment was that it had to portray a deeper meaning. For me that was the hardest part of the assignment, thinking of an abstract idea that could be depicted literally. My inspiration for this piece was my desire to stay young, just like Peter Pan. My Grammie also had an influence in my ideas.


Young At Heart

        "And if you should survive to 105, look at all you'll derive out of being alive. Then here is the best part, you have a head start, if you are among the very young at heart." (Young At Heart, Frank Sinatra). 
            No one ever wants to grow old, so why should we? We can stay young; well, at least
young at heart. I have always dreaded growing up. When I was younger my grandma and I would get out her old tea set and have tea parties on the back lawn. I like to look back at those days and think of how my grandma felt at our fun parties. Did they make her feel like a little girl again? Playing with my dolls and setting up cups and saucers: it was just like she was a little girl again. 
            The muted saturation of the photographs conveys a sense of
nostalgia is attained. The transformation from old to young displays the feeling of young at heart. Regardless of your age, there is always a childlike spirit inside. My Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals gives me a more personal connection to the photos because I associate Winnie the Pooh with my childhood. Making the background my grandparent’s backyard also added more meaning to me. That same grassy area is where my grandma and I would have our tea parties. My piece conveys a sense of youth and transformation. Also, that no matter how old you are, you are never too old to out grow the child inside you.


Inspirational Story:

Dear Diary,
      What a strange day in age it is. Do you know how computers work? It really does baffle me how much technology can do. The Internet, applications, and this weird “IM-ing” thing were all too much for me.
      Today I went down stairs, like most days, to check my email. I turned the computer on and waited forever, like always, the old blue iMac to start up. Once it was on I logged onto my email. Here’s where everything fell apart. (Sometime I just feel so stupid when it comes to new things.) This strange new window popped up with writing in it! And they were personal messages.
      “Hello there! How are you doing today?”
      I began to panic a little, who in the hell was typing on my computer?! I got very flustered as to what this was doing on my computer. The only person I new that could work computers perfectly was my granddaughter. I decided to call her. *Ring, ring, ring*
      “Hello?” My granddaughter answered.
      “Hi there darling.”
      “Grammy, how are you?”
      I replied with embarrassment in my voice, “Well I am having a little computer trouble… Could you help me?”
      “I would love to help you. Would it be better if I came over?”
      “Sure!” I said with too much enthusiasm, “I would love a visitor.”
      “All right-y Grammy, I will be over soon. I love you.”
      “I love you too my darling.”
      Oh goodness, oh goodness. I felt so flustered and embarrassed. Technology makes everyone’s life easier except mine. Why do I always fail at these things? I should be easy. I probably messed up the entire computer knowing me.
      Ten minutes later my granddaughter was at the front door.
      “I am here to help!”
      I still felt embarrassed. “Oh gosh thank you so much for coming over. I feel so stupid. I think I messed up the entire computer…”
      She chuckled a little, “I bet you didn’t. Don’t worry about it.”
      We walked down our old, creamy, yellow bur-bur carpeted hallway and down the stairs to the computer room.
      “Is the computer on?” my granddaughter asked.
      “Oh, yes.”
      She continued to the cluttered desk, “Okay so tell me what was making you freak out?”
      I tried not to sound too stupid, I didn’t want her to think anything less of me; “There was a weird box that came up with text I didn’t recognize... And sentences just kept popping up. I couldn’t figure out what it was.”
      She stayed very patient with me as I described my frivolous problem to her, “Is it this box right here?” 
      She started to laugh. Oh no I thought, she thinks I am dumb. I knew I did something really, really dim-witted. I looked at the blue tinted screen as her laughter built up.
      “I made a foolish mistake didn’t I?”
      “Oh no, no. Grammy I don’t mean to laugh at you. I really don’t. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
      I was beginning to feel a little relieved, “Really? Then what is that window on the screen?”
      He laugh was beginning to become contagious, “Have you ever heard of Instant Messaging?”
      “I think so.” Oh gosh, I could see where this was going. How could I be so absent-minded?
      “That is what this window is. My mom was trying to talk to you though Instant Messaging.” She burst out in her full-blown laugh. I thought she was about to fall off the chair. “Oh, Grammy. Come on. Don’t take this so seriously. It’s okay. It really isn’t a big deal. You just need to laugh it off.”
      I guess I couldn’t hold it back any longer. Her laugh was contagious; that high-pitched voice and the way she crinkled her nose. I burst out laughing. It was the most I had laughed in a really long time. Within seconds we were both in hysterics about this absurd situation. I even caught myself snort once…


Short Story
Photo Narrative