
In English class we were inspired to write the same short story we created from three different perspectives as a novel, then convert one of the perspectives into a script, then finally into a screenplay (or animatic as the teachers liked to call it). After that was all completed (at the end of last semester) we were then introduced into the artform called surrealism with the reading of the script Rhinoceros and the studying of a surrealist artist of our choosing.


Current screenplay picture
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Goal: To write the story from an Omniscient Point of view.


Philip pulls the switch, ready for anything. Unfortunately nothing happens, which was the one thing he wasn’t prepared for. “Really! Come on.” he says frustratedly, throwing off his safety glasses. Ever since he tried adding the second generator to power the EEZO (Electronic Electrostatic Zone Omitter) to keep the electromagnetic static from interfering with the wiring, his device does nothing. “Okay, let me try something” he says to an empty room. Philip turns on the Superheterodyne receiver and starts slightly nudging the EEZO until the waveform looks like a sin curve. Then Edward walked in.

“Hey, how you doing? You didn’t respond to my call, so I figured I’d visit and see how you're doing, after getting that PHD in quantum physics and all.” Edward says as he looks around at all the technology strewn about the room. “Not bad, just been so busy with this project I haven’t had time to chat on the phone with anyone, or chat in person for that matter.” Philip of course didn’t want to be distracted from making the biggest discovery in history, so hinting for Edward to leave was his best option. Edward didn’t take the hint. “What are you doing in here, making the next hyperdrive?” He couldn’t help making a smile, knowing that if anyone could make it, it would be Philip. “Even better, the ability to warp space-time with the precision of 10 to the -35 cm.” Philip was at least happy that Edward had a chance of understanding the implications of such technology, unlike his Landlord. “Wait, wait, wait… you're kidding me. At that level wouldn’t it be possible to teleport matter precisely enough to make sure the electrons don’t accidentally get split in half?” “Yes, and could lead to even greater discoveries. That’s why I must keep working without distraction.” Philip pauses from trying to get the eight amp hour battery charging hoping for Edward to leave. “You should take a break, you look tired.” He says just when his cumbersome arm swings in the wrong direction.

Philip could hear the ceramic capacitors being dislocated as they came crashing to the floor. Silence filled the room till Edward said quietly “Sorry about that.” Philip lost it in that moment “And you say I’m tired, I suggest you leave before I break you!” He picked up the battery he was working on and started towards Edward with fire in his eyes. “Wow, chill out, stop it, have you gone insane?” Edward says as he dodges and grabs the battery from him with his superior physique. To calm the situation and have any hope of a continued relationship, Edward puts his hand on Philips shoulder and says “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for whatever I broke and help you fix it, but lets take a break together. How about we go to dinner like we did back in college. I’ll even pay this time.” After a long pause, Philip complets his cost-benefit analysis and says “Okay.”

As Philip steps out the doors, the bright sun meets his eyes, forcing him to recall the last time he looked at the sun was 4 days ago when he needed to get some more lithium to test his device with. Edward notices his squinting and comments “Have you become a cave man in there. Man, it’s worse than I thought.” Philip looks in his windows at the waveform still being displayed by the superheterodyne receiver he forgot to turn off and replies “Staring into tiny screens all day tends to make your eyes lose perspective of what real light is.” As they buckle up, Edward can’t seem to make up his mind of where to eat so he asks Philip “Where would you like to go?” Philip distantly replies “Anywhere but here.”


Goal: To write the story from the protagonist's (the main character in this case since there really isn't a good or bad guy) Point of view.


“Really! Come on.” Man, will this thing ever work. Its got to, or at least do something. I don’t think the landlord will let me stay any longer to work on this project. What if I inverted the waveform to the EEZO? No, no, no, what if- maybe I could prove to the landlord that I am making progress, surely he will understand just how close I am and how I need all the money I get from welfare to pay for the project. Enough about that, focus on making progress. What if the second generator is providing too much power to the EEZO? I don’t have time to get a resistor that large, what if I just changed the direction slightly to reduce its effect. “Okay, let me try something.” Why do I keep talking to myself? Oh, thats right, it helps me think. Sometimes. Anyways, where did I put that Superheterodyne receiver. Love the name, and its uses. This project couldn’t have been conceived of without it. Wait, someones opening the door, the landlord? No, worse. Edward.

“Hey, how you doing? You didn’t respond to my call, so I figured I’d visit and see how you're doing, after getting that PHD in quantum physics and all.” Of course he would be visiting, just to get on board with my project and take all the credit, like he did for the fundamentals of quantum mechanics class. Lets see how he responds to this, “Not bad, just been so busy with this project I haven’t had time to chat on the phone with anyone, or chat in person for that matter.” Come on, take the hint before I am forced to make you leave so I can concentrate on position the EEZO correctly. “What are you doing in here, making the next hyperdrive?” Such a Genuis! I am surprised he even realized I was working on something futuristic. Lets just see if he even remembers the basics of Superstring theory. “Even better, the ability to warp space-time with the precision of 10 to the -35 cm.” I had to stop my work to see the confusement in his eyes, but his eyes were like the eyes of a child who just realized the world was round. “Wait, wait, wait… you're kidding me. At that level wouldn’t it be possible to teleport matter precisely enough to make sure the electrons don’t accidentally get split in half?” “Yes, and could lead to even greater discoveries. That’s why I must keep working without distraction.” Wow, at least someone appreciates my work. If he’s as smart as he sounds he just might stop bothering me to leave me to my work. “You should take a break, you look tired.”

Do I really look tired? NOOOOO!!! Those ceramic capacitors were ten hours of work keep the electronic flow to the EEZO stable, and now they are dislocated on the floor because of Edward’s clumsy arm. “Sorry about that.” Edward’s words can’t fix this broken object, he must leave. “And you say I’m tired, I suggest you leave before I break you!” Nothing must be allowed to slow down the technological evolution of humanity any longer. The eight amp hour battery seems big and hard enough to get him to leave. “Wow, chill out, stop it, have you gone insane?” That plan failed, Edward just grabbed the battery with superior physique from me after dodging my first lunge. I must use something more threatening and hopefully less expensive to get him to leave. Is he grabbing my shoulder! “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for whatever I broke and help you fix it, but lets take a break together. How about we go to dinner like we did back in college. I’ll even pay this time.” Was I just in a fit of rage? I better do a cost-benefit analysis as to reduce mental errors. I could waste one hour for possibly five hours of time saved by Edward helping with high possibility of damage to the circuitry because of Edwards stupidity, or I could simply say no. I do wonder where has he gone? What has he done with his life? Is he happy with his life? What does non-dominoes pizza even taste like? Is one hour really going to make a difference? “Okay.” Insignificant comments were made as we walked to his car. I buckled up, but then Edward asked me a question “Where would you like to go?” “Anywhere but here.”


Goal: To write the story from the antagonist's (the other character in this case since there really isn't a good or bad guy) Point of view.


Another long day at work done. Man, jobs are even harder than college. Its not like you go to class, do homework, take a test, and then forget it. Its more like you do work, think about work, and then sleep about work. At least I like doing what I’m doing, researching nanotechnology for medical purposes is quite fascinating and exciting. I even got a few nanites to replace the sunburned tissue on my skin. Admittedly I did scrape off the sunburned skin into a petri dish to do the experiment with but still, that’s pretty cool. I wonder what jobs my colleagues got? Wonder what Philip is doing, he must be doing something awesome, he was so smart. Why don’t I call him up? Ring, ring, ring… No answer? Must be busy. What if I went over to his house, I have time. If he’s not there I’ll look in the windows and then head out, because if he is still as messy as he was in college I’ll find out what he’s up to in no time.

Thats one small apartment...Oh, he is inside, I guess he couldn’t pick up the phone because he had his hands full. Lets see if he left his door unlocked. Yep, he did. I should announce my presence. “Hey, how you doing? You didn’t respond to my call, so I figured I’d visit and see how you're doing, after getting that PHD in quantum physics and all.” “Not bad, just been so busy with this project I haven’t had time to chat on the phone with anyone, or chat in person for that matter.” Good old Philip, always too busy. I practically had to drag him out of his studies just to hang out for dinner. Now time to find out what his job is, besides keeping track of all this equipment. “What are you doing in here, making the next hyperdrive?” Ha, if anyone could invent the hyperdrive its Philip. “Even better, the ability to warp space-time with the precision of 10 to the -35 cm.” He would. “Wait, wait, wait… you're kidding me. At that level wouldn’t it be possible to teleport matter precisely enough to make sure the electrons don’t accidentally get split in half?” “Yes, and could lead to even greater discoveries. That’s why I must keep working without distraction.” Here he goes again, I really should get him to take a break, he needs it. “You should take a break, you look tired.”

Did I just touc- oh no, Philip is going to kill me. Those capacitors I just knocked over probably took a long time to set up correctly. “Sorry about that” I said to hopefully calm any rage I may have induced “And you say I’m tired, I suggest you leave before I break you!” Wait, Philip is picking up that battery, OH NO, He’s actually trying to lug it over to hit me with it! “Wow, chill out, stop it, have you gone insane?” That battery was easy to pull from his hands, he probably hasn’t done any exercise since freshman PE. He’s still in rage, I better use the human touch by put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down a bit. I better pay for the damages for any chance of this relationship continuing. “Don’t worry, I’ll pay for whatever I broke and help you fix it, but lets take a break together. How about we go to dinner like we did back in college. I’ll even pay this time.” It took him quite a while to calm down and think straight, but something came to him as he was analyzing the situation, not sure exactly what though. He said “Okay”

As we were walking to my car, Philip started to squint really badly. “Have you become a cave man in there. Man, it’s worse than I thought.” “Staring into tiny screens all day tends to make your eyes lose perspective of what real light is” was his only reply. Lose perspective, what a word usage. I’m not hungry for steak, or for pizza. I wonder what Philip would like. “Where would you like to go?” “Anywhere but here” he replied.


Goal: To help layout exactly what locations, sounds, and lines have to be made for the actual animation, as well to make sure the story isn't going to be too long.


PHILIP the owl pulls a rocker switch that makes a CLICK sound. Lights go up on all the equipment strewn about the room and electrical sounds are heard everywhere, then they all stop suddenly.
Really! Come on.
   (pauses thinking)
Okay, let me try something.
Philip turns on a device that displays a waveform that changes as he rotates a dish antenna looking device to try and fix his invention. There is a knock at the door that Philip does not respond to. EDWARD the mockingbird opens the door to the room and comes in. Philip continues working during the conversation.
Hey, long time no see. How's that PHD in quantum physics treating you?
   (Says quickly)
Not bad.
What are you doing in here, making the next hyperdrive?
Even better, the ability to warp space-time with the precision of 10 to the -35 cm.
Wait, wait, wait… you're kidding me. Isn't that enough precision to teleport matter without destroying a city?
Precisely! That's why I must keep working without distraction.
You look really tired. It might be a good idea to take a break.
Edward's wing knocks over a circuit board full of capacitors.
Sorry about that.
And you say I'm tired, I suggest you leave before I break you!
When Philip sees Edward is not leaving, in a rage he starts pecking at Edward.
Wow, chill out, stop it!
Edward moves back to get away from the pecking.
Relax. I'll pay for whatever broke, but the real reason I came was so we could go hunt dinner together, like old times.
   (Long sigh)
Okay. Lets go then.
Philip and Edward walk outside. Philip squints in the sunlight.
Have you become a pterodactyl in there?
Philip looks through a window to see the device still displaying the waveform.
Staring into tiny screens all day tends to make your eyes lose perspective of what real light is.
Philip and Edward spread their wings getting ready to fly.
Where would you like to go?
   (Looking back)
Anywhere but here.
They fly off together (into the sunset).


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