
The purpose of the Narrative unit for seniors was to answer the question of: How well can you tell a dialogue-driven story? We were challenged to answer that question in various mediums using a variety of modern professional equipment and applications such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe After Effects, and Pro Tools. English had us answer with words from 3 different perspectives, a short script, and a screenplay. In Design class we created a book jacket for the short story written in English and a surrealist graphic that told its own story in a mystical way. Finally, WebAudio put all the pieces together by having us create an animation with the script in English and a website using PHP to display all that we had done. After loads of hard work, stressful times, and learning experiences, welcome to my website!

Image of the animation in After Effects
A glimpse into my life for the month of April, 2014. Me working on my animation in After Effects.
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