
WebAudio didn't have time to focus on the surrealist aspect that the other classes contained because the class already had a full plate teaching how to use After Effects to make an animation, PHP to make an easily scaleable website, and a bit of XML to database information for PHP. On top of all that, time was needed to be able to create a PHP website and a two minute animation that used everything we learned (and the time that was provided was too short for what I wanted to do, I had to use 40 hours during spring break to be able to bring my dreams to fruition.)

The design of the website was actually based on the loading screens found in the game called portal 2 (Kevin Chan suggested the idea). Personally I am proud of this design, it just looks so different while being really simple to make. The coding language called PHP that we were required to use to make this website is very useful for creating multiple web pages that use the same code multiple times or when the web page needs to be client specific (like Facebook).

I wanted to make a 3D animation using very simple objects that easily represent what I want the audience to imagine, because peoples’ imaginations will always be better than what I can animate in 1 month. After spending over 70 hours on the animation and stressing about it for twice as many hours, I made an animation that I am proud of. Through the project I learned tons about the program After Effects and how to pace my time.

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