Leading Lines- Foodie Edition

Leading Lines- Foodie Edition

Food has always been a very important part of my life; it serves as a universal experience that unites distinct cultures, heritages, and people. The leading lines in food represent a path to one’s soul because, in a way, food connects people in a way 



In this week’s photo challenge, we were told to practice using our speedlites. I decided to shoot next to windows and played around with the lighting so that my subject wasn’t overly illuminated or underexposed.

Negative Space

Negative Space

For this week’s photo challenge, we were told to create a powerful landscape using negative space. The twisted roads of San Francisco are shown above at sunrise hour.

Center Frame Portrait

Center Frame Portrait

For this photo blog, we were challenged to create a portrait that exhibited loneliness through center frame composition. I captured this image from a recent vacation me and my family had taken in Southern California as it felt it portrayed a serene, calming, and empty 



For this week’s photo, we were challenge to create an image with balanced composition. The grand ocean, misty clouds, even sand, it flows and works in harmony.

Leading Lines

Leading Lines

In the picture above, my friend is staring into the hypnotizing zap of neon lines. These lines lead nowhere in particular, yet they lead the eyes and brain to experience the art through themselves and the room they illuminate.

Symmetry Landscape

Symmetry Landscape

We were challenged to create a photo that depicted a landscape with symmetrical components.

Rule of Thirds

Rule of Thirds

We were challenged to take a photo using the Rule of Thirds. This is my friend standing in a serene, empty field.