
Exploring symmetry, mathematical equations, and graphic design, we created a mandala using Adobe Illustrator. The identical repetition of this diagram was achieved by splitting the Illustrator workspace into several repeating “slices”, so anything that was drawn in one of these would be repeated throughout the entire circle.

The mandala project was like no other. It was raw, unstructured, and open to personal interpretation. I enjoyed the chaoticness of having no guidelines to follow; it gave me chance to create something that truly represents my feelings. Like many other seniors, I have been experiencing a feeling of longing and nostalgia for what is to come as high school reaches its end. Inspired by this emotion, I look to remind myself of the infiniteness moments in our life pose. While something may be in our past, we will own that memory for the entirety of our lives. Through the circular repetition of a mandala, I wanted to convey that experience, and visually showcase the many layers, patterns, and colors that our infinities carry with them. This project taught me a lot about patience (as I had to draw everything with a mouse since I did not have the wacom tablets from in-person school), determination, and appreciation for detail. I learned that the most simple details can make a massive difference as they are magnified.

Mandala laser-engraved on wood
Black and White Mandala
Colored Mandala
Mandala Process Video