
Profile Article

The English assignment for the Documentary Project was to write a profile article about someone. The person you chose was entirely up to you, but Mr Greco wanted us to try and get someone we didn’t know, at least not very well. After pondering the possibilities for a while, I happened to remember that the Executive Director of my Synagogue, and my mum’s boss, is the mother of Raphael Bob-Waksberg, the creator and show-runner of Netflix’s Bojack Horseman. Because of this connection, I managed to contact him and got him on board for this project.

Another part to this profile project was to design a proper magazine article in our Digital Media class. A handful of the submissions would eventually be published in the Freestyle Academy 2024 Junior Documentary Articles Magazine. Of the 50 articles submitted this year for publishing, only 20 were chosen. Mine was one of those 20. It was very exciting to see my article printed in physical form. I worked very hard on this

To read my finished product, click on the image below.


In preparation for the Documentary project, the film students split up into groups of four to produce a quick Mockumentary. Mockumentaries are fake documentaries, and in this case we made it about the mystery of Mr T’s posters. For most of the school year, Mr T has been setting up and moving around his posters, making it a very relevant subject for a silly mockumentary.


For the full Documentary, Felipe and I teamed up to produce a film about the use of AI in classrooms. We interviewed a family friend of mine who is an elementary school teacher, Felipe’s current math teacher, and our friend and fellow Freestyle student, Ori. It was a very interesting subject, with AI becoming more and more prevalent online and in classrooms.

Thank You

I’d like to thank Raphael Bob-Waksberg, Ellen Bob, Donna Seidel, Mr Airey, and Ori Arel for donating their time for my interviews.