This week's challenge was to tell a lie through my picture, and I decided to take a photo of this umbrella decoration on the ceiling of a mall, because although in the picture the sky looks cloudy and rainy and may suggest such a weather to the audience looking at this picture because of the umbrellas, the sky was actually clear and the weather was nice.
Tell a Lie- Rain

This week’s challenge was to tell a lie through a picture, because pictures usually depict truth as in what we see in reality. I chose this picture that I took at a mall over the break, because this picture’s main subject are the numerous umbrellas hanging off of the ceiling, and since this is the main subject in the photo, the audience might guess that it was during a rainy season or in a rainy weather. However, the lie is that the ceiling was actually covered in gray wall and the weather was clear, and the umbrellas did not actually represent the season or any other environmental guess that may have been made by the audience.