For this week's assignment, we were challenged to demonstrate our use of Film Noir to tell a story. I took a picture of the statues in Stanford University in monochromatic scheme, to emphasize the poses and create a more mysterious, intense tone that makes it seem like the statues are almost moving in a way.
Film Noir- Figures

For this week’s photo challenge, students were assigned to utilize Film Noir to tell a story. I wanted to emphasize the “dark and moody” tone of the Film Noir for my picture, so I decided to take a close up photo of the statues at the Stanford University. The strong contrast and the dark figures of the statues adds more intensity, which in my opinion causes the statues to be more lively and monster-like. I wanted to emphasize the textures and the color contrasts so that it will be easier for the audience to expand their imaginations on what the figures’ movements and poses tell.