For Digital Media, we made lots of different cool stuff, for example, creating a stacked wood ayer art, creating mandalas, pastel painting, etc. I find it cool how each person’s project is different from one another and how it reflects our personality from just making something. Here are some of the stuff I created for this unit in digital media:

The picture above is a pastel painting that I made. It is not originally my idea, I found a picture on Pinterest and I decided to turn that into a pastel painting to see how it would turn out and I love how it looks.

For the watercolor assignment, I decided to take a still from one of my favorite movies, “The Batman” and watercolor it. I didn’t know what to do for my watercolor project so I thought of painting a still like the one above.

Something a little more interesting we did was the Multi-Layer wood art. Every student had an option to either do a lightbox or a multi-layer wood art. Me and my partner decided to go with the multilayer wood art for our project. We both created individual artwork and connected them together at the end. For our idea, we came up with having two samurais facing eachoter.

So we used adobe illustrator to design our multi-layer wood art and which is a lot of layers stacked up on each other and each layer was printed separately. When they were printed out, I glued each part like how it was supposed to go and it turned out great. My partner did the same thing for his samurai and it was on the left so it was facing off mine. Below are two videos of the assembly of our project.

Digital Assembly

Making the digital assembly was my favorite part of this entire project. I had lots of ideas already in mind and it was extremely fun putting all my ideas together just how I wanted to. It was also really fun editing the Assembly video of me and my partner. Both of the videos are definitely worth a watch! and it will give you a good idea of how me and my partner assembled our artwork together. This project was probably my favorite assignment that we had because of how fun it was.


This unit was the most fun in digital media in my opinion. I learned lots of different cool things like pastel painting, watercolor painting, etc. I am proud of all my work in digital media. One of the key things that I struggled with in this class is turning in the assignments on time. Since the assignments were super long and took a lot of time, I fell a bit behind and had a lot of missing work. However, I overcame that by working on the missing assignments that I had and turning them in even though it was late and it was worth it in the end because of how my work turned out. this class added tons of new skills to my list and I am thankful for it. The stuff that I created in this class changed the way of how I see other’s artworks, it makes me think of how the person spent a lot of time doing it, and even if it isn’t good I am still appreciative of it. overall, I am thankful for this class and very proud of the work everyone created!