Photoshop Art

I really enjoyed our Digital Media photoshop unit because it gave me a chance to further my Photoshop skills while marking art, like I love. We learned how to paint in Photoshop, which was exciting because before now we’ve mostly only used Photoshop for editing photos. We also learned how to combine photos in a cool way.

My photoshop painting depicts a gaudily dressed figure with clownish makeup, tied with red bows to a white picket fence. It’s supposed to be a kind of worst nightmare self-portrait, as a theoretical future Izzi who has been forced into hyper-femininity and the woman’s role of the American dream as a housewife. I stand in front of a tumultuous stormy sky and gritty, grey houses, and I am complacent and miserable.

I made this piece by first sketching the composition in photoshop and then building on top of it with brushes I downloaded from Adobe, mostly from the Keith Haring and Copier brush packs. I built up colors and contrast to give my image form. I based the composition off of a sort of tarot card style, symmetrical, with a fairly simple but symbolic background, and the figure in the middle.