
The Humor project is focused on, you guessed it, humor. Within this unit we dove deep into the breakdown of what humor is, what techniques are efficient at creating humor. And what kind, personally, makes you laugh. There are many different types of comedy tools one can use. For me personally, I find more satirical comedy the funniest. So for Chloe B and I, our humor project was to create a newspaper like The Onion. But instead of general news, we focused on Freestyle Academy itself.

One of our inspirations for this project. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson

To begin this Humor Project, we needed to do some research. In class we read Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse-5 or The Children’s Crusade. I personally loved the book, and actually am planning to get one of the quotes as a tattoo.

“Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt”

Once we finished the book in class and analyzed its humor techniques, Chloe and I paired up and began our individual humor research. Chloe researched humor techniques from The Onion. While I focused on Bill Waterson’s daily comic strip, turned book, Calvin and Hobbes. This was our ending research and analysis:

After we finished research, we began writing our humor script. This includes humor techniques such as Anecdote, Exaggeration, Satire, Sarcasm, and more.

With this script we created our final newspaper, The Octopi.

We then presented some highlights of our newspaper to the class. This was how that went:

For this unit, I would say this is probably my least favorite because it is so far out of my comfort zone. Learning about humor and finding a book I honestly love was a really cool experience. However, me and my multiple types of anxiety LOATHE having to stand in front of a room full of my peers creating something that I find funny and hoping they laugh too. I am very private usually with my humor. And it is more sarcastic comments to my friends or slight funny insults, mixed with a lot of swearing. I have been told I swear like a sailor. So this whole project and presentation is very out of my comfort zone. But all in all, I’m very happy to have done it and I am also very happy the presentation is over.