This photo is my future. What my entire life has been leading up to. DigiPen Institute of Technology will be the college I attend and I am ready to close this chapter on my life and start a new one. Going to DigiPen makes me feel as if I’m on top of the world.
Photo Blog 53) Frame within the Frame
Back with another photo of my cat. I believe the way she’s rested in the chair and how all the chair parts and table are aligned act as a frame to make her the main subject.
Photo Blog 52) Self Portrait
I believe this photo represents how people see me. I am presentable but also confined.
Photo Blog 51) Food
I can’t stop thinking about Waffles because one of the students I talk to at DigiPen has a cat named Mr. Waffles and I got a waffle just the other day reminding me of the cat.
Photo Blog 50) Props
This is more unusual for this type of prompt, but I thought it would be interesting how the gate in front looks like the cows are enclosed.
Photo Blog 49) Modern Convenience
I find my ipad as well as the digital art program I use to be convenient in every manner possible. Not only do I have access to convenient digital art tools but I’m never limited to just a computer desktop and can take it everywhere with me.
Photo Blog 48) Current Events
This photo features bright green grass from all the rain as of recent. It also just so happens to feature a cat in the far back.
Photo Blog 47) Depth of Field
This image focuses on the rabbit and boba. The background is blurred out more to focus on the single object up front.
Photo Blog 46) Deadly Sins
After doing my world building project in a world plagued by corrupted celebrities and individuals, I thought this photo of a city could be symbolism of a cesspool full of sinners.
Photo Blog 45) Music
This scenery reminds me of my favorite song: Beautiful Dead. The song has a more somber yet mysterious sound to it which always reminds me of twilight.